The word Menetekel* is literally interpreted as a "threatening sign", it plays a central role in an Old Testament story that deals with the power of information. It is an interesting story about symbols and sovereignty of interpretation. I think it is now more relevant than ever to understand the codes of information.
This Lab is for out of the box thinkers and visionaries who have spared no effort and risks in their careers to realize their visions. They are empirical and metaphysical researchers of the macro/meso/microcosms. Artists, scientists, innovators who deal with the multidimensional aspects of contemporary culture based on skills experience, and the innovative approach in their passion and profession not following any trends or fashion.
Installation Performance
This work, shifting from representation to presentation, modifying our perception of the body over time and distance, is the most remarkable output of Ludens’ work. In doing this, this art avoids the shoals of bathos, melancholic nihilism or missionary ideology. There is an indelible optimism that drives the work, a will to belong to the world, a joyful affirmation of being and existing. The whole is resumed in the artist’s name, Ludens: he who is playful, who thus plays, who pushes contradictions, overcomes them and who thus frees himself from their constraint. Jean Sorrente-Art critic
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