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This work, shifting from representation to presentation, modifying our perception of the body over time and distance, is the most remarkable output of Ludens’ work. In doing this, this art avoids the shoals of bathos, melancholic nihilism or missionary ideology. There is an indelible optimism that drives the work, a will to belong to the world, a joyful affirmation of being and existing. The whole is resumed in the artist’s name, Ludens: he who is playful, who thus plays, who pushes contradictions, overcomes them and who thus frees himself from their constraint.  Jean Sorrente-Art critic

The Interactive multimedia installation/peformance, 'Is that you ' of 2012. The installation consists of a three-part space, in 1/3 is a photo exhibition of previous and the recent session, in the 2/3 booth with a video installation, in the 3/3 booth is a anonymous person.

The exhibition space can be closed off for a private or group experience.
For the photo exhibition I have photographed naked bodies. I asked the participants to mark and describe body parts with circles and what they feel and how they stimulate these places. In the second room is a video loop in which naked torsos from different people are alternated by male and female hands. Behind the viewer a third room with two openings with sleeves for hands and arms. In the room is an anonymous person who can interact with the viewer.

The interaction/performance is anonymous and by mutual agreement. After the experience the participants have the opportunity to anonymously record their impressions, exchange experiences about it, or to enjoy and to remain silent.











UBS Flush

UBS Flush

Paper Prints

Paper Prints

Paper Prints

Paper Prints



 Vault Robbery - Bank Vault Installation & Video, Luxemburg 2017
Mudam Intervention/Flash Mob

Mudam Intervention/Flash Mob

Video abspielen
Flash Mob performance at the MUDAM Museum Luxemburg with Laudrine Sautiere & Serge Moulin
Holy Cucumber

Holy Cucumber

Jetzt ansehen

Juxtaposing of Patriarchy and Feminism, on the occasion of the enormous exhibition of Constantine the Great in the diocese of Trier 2007

'Aufs Kreuz'-'Crucifixion'

'Aufs Kreuz'-'Crucifixion'

Multinational Antiracist Performance Project-1998 at Chateau Erpeldange, Luxemburg. Multidisciclinary artproject against racism, xenophobia, sexism...



'Crucifixion' performance

'Crucifixion' performance

'Crucifixion' performance

'Crucifixion' performance

'Crucifixion' performance

'Crucifixion' performance

'I do not remember'

'I do not remember'

'Ich kann mich nicht erinnern' 'I do not remember' Written by Arne (left). Nürnberg Trials performance

Artists and workshop leaders

Artists and workshop leaders

Chateau Erpeldange, Luxembourg 1997.  Project leader of the workshop for painting, sculpture, installation and performance during The ”Multinational Antiracist Performance Project”( MAPP ) Presentation of the performance: “Auf’s Kreuz” ('On the Cross' or Crucifiction), an extract of the play “Ana Marijuana” (Authored by Ludens - 1986)

Blind Faith-Performance 2006

Blind Faith-Performance 2006

Blindfolded performance painting at Underground Gallery Luxemburg with the Associations of the visually impaired, Belgium, Luxembourg

Blind Faith-Performance 2006

Blind Faith-Performance 2006

Blindfolded performance painting at Underground Gallery Luxemburg with the Associations of the visually impaired, Belgium, Luxembourg

Blind Faith-Performance 2006

Blind Faith-Performance 2006

Conversation with sighted and visually impaired people about art

Blind Faith-Performance 2006

Blind Faith-Performance 2006

Covered by RTL-TV Luxemburg

Blindfolded performance painting and discussion at Underground Gallery Luxemburg with the Associations of the visually impaired, Belgium, Luxembourg 2006
MC Lou-Greeting the Grand Duke

MC Lou-Greeting the Grand Duke

The Arche of Diversity

The Arche of Diversity

Diversity of sounds

Diversity of sounds

Jam session with changing musicians during the move

Clearing the way for the Arche

Clearing the way for the Arche

Leading the Pack: Balcanica Brass Band

RTL TV on board

RTL TV on board

Place Gulliaume-Main stage

Place Gulliaume-Main stage

Building the Arch

Building the Arch

I've build the Arche at ASTI-ASBL. 8,00m x 2,60m x 1,80m Plywood, Steel and canvas

Painting the Arche

Painting the Arche

I started with marks and painted with school classes from the neigborhood

Concept and realization of the “Diversity Arch” for the international cultural event “Carnival of cultures” and exhibition on the Place Guillaume (City Hall) Luxemburg 1998
Men at work - Frank & Lou

Men at work - Frank & Lou

Berlin Potsdamer Platz, Leipziger Straße Last week of April.1999

Wired People...

Wired People...

Intervention-Deviation from the approved design...

Rainbow Quadriga

Rainbow Quadriga

Intervention-Deviation from the approved design...

Potsdamer Platz

Potsdamer Platz

Construction site from Potsdamer Platz with the red 'Infobox'



01. May.1999 Great fun with the telescopic crane, lot's great reactions, parties with friends and passangers... some conflicts with Telecom Lawyers and Skinheads :)

Commissioned performance and live painting/intervention with Frānk C. Heller on a 60 by 45 foot (20 M x 15 M) canvas for the telephone company “Berlikomm” & exhibition on the Potsdammer Platz and later at IFA - Internationale Funk Austellung Berlin 1999
Installation Trash TV

Installation Trash TV

Preparing the Trash TV Installation by covering the paintings with a chalk layer

Cum TV

Cum TV

One of the comon sceneries of TV - Sexism

War TV

War TV

One of the comon sceneries of TV - War

TV Reality

TV Reality

One of the comon sceneries of TV - Reality

Ready to go

Ready to go

The paintings are covered with chalk, ready for public participation

Ready for the splash with water guns

Ready for the splash with water guns

12 Waterpump guns for participants.

TV Trash revealed

TV Trash revealed

TV Trash at Mushroom Stage

TV Trash at Mushroom Stage

National Day Party - Place Saint Esprit Luxemburg

Great interactive audience

Great interactive audience

...overwhelming feedback

TV Trash interactive installation performance with public participation for National Day Celebration -Plateau de Saint Esprit, Luxemburg 1997
My Ego

My Ego

Me-She-Me Confrontation

Me-She-Me Confrontation

The other me

The other me

Discovering your own duality.

Confrontation and Separation

Confrontation and Separation

Farewell to the old ego

Farewell to the old ego

Performance “Die Glotze” (Gape box / Goggle box), an extract from the play “ Schattenschleuder” Shadow play on a polyester foil membane. (Shadow slingshot) (Authored by Ludens - 1996) at “Atelier” a high profile concerts hall. Organization of the event in collaboration with Kirsten van Kampen, including the show of the satiric cabaret; “Mamma Grappa” and the auction of paintings from Emile Kirscht, Gast Michels and Ludens for the organization of beaten women ”Femmes en détresse”
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