Selection of sculptures, installations & objects
This work, shifting from representation to presentation, modifying our perception of the body over time and distance, is the most remarkable output of Ludens’ work. In doing this, this art avoids the shoals of bathos, melancholic nihilism or missionary ideology. There is an indelible optimism that drives the work, a will to belong to the world, a joyful affirmation of being and existing. The whole is resumed in the artist’s name, Ludens: he who is playful, who thus plays, who pushes contradictions, overcomes them and who thus frees himself from their constraint. Jean Sorrente-Art critic
Oval office 1- 2017Room installation with a Oval toilet bowl, "Atomic Arctic Walking" Cross-country skis. Art Magazines, Seal of WTC, Post Poo air perfume...etc. | Oval Office-Detail 1Room installation with a Oval toilet bowl, "Atomic Arctic Walking" Cross-country skis. Art Magazines, Great Seal of WTC, Post Poo air perfume...etc. | Oval Office, detail 2 WTCGreat Seal of the WTC |
Make Trumping Great AgainCGI collage 2016 | Make Pussy Grabbing Great AgainCGI collage 2016 of Pixilated shrieking 'Silent Majority' | Seriously Good MyoCGI collage 2016 |
Seriously Good MayoPP spender, Mayonaise, photo print 2016 | Jambalaya me oh myoC-Print on Ceramic mugs, Mayonaise, 2017 | Slick MyoC-Print on Ceramic mugs, Mayonaise, 2017 |
KKK-Kanye Kim Kardashian MayoC-Print on Ceramic mugs, Mayonaise, 2017 |
Myo oh Rococo!
Mayonnaise Rococo is a series about contemporary Rococo in the Global Turbotrash Culture. The political-media industry produces an endless loop of pre-chewed and a pre-digested throw-away culture saturated with hazardous contents, like brain Junk Food with a Mary Rose topping, transforming the consumers into a dumb fat mass. The social life is determined by the showbiz, whether politics, science, art, religion, war and peace, A society emerged, in which the most vicious creatures were raised to virtuous idols. The Contemporary Media Culture seems like a Reality Show made by a gigantic Rococo style porn production. This series is not about art, it's about societal waste recycling and disposal....
Selection of sculptures and installations
Big Brothers
Big BrothersMultimedia Installation | VE 301W 1933 | IPhone G3 2008 |
Big Brother 1933VE 1933 Picto | Big Brother 2008 -Today | Future |
Multi Media Installation 'Big Brothers' from 2009
Volksempfänger VE 301 GW (1933) & iPhone G3. (2008) Sound track: Playback propaganda from their respective time.
I have chosen the iPhone for comparison with the VE because of the iconic design and the vast impact on society. Both devices were launched with massive advertising campaigns. The Volksempfänger was launched with a flag-waving in the face of a frustrated population to jump on the bandwagon, to join the race and become superior: It has triggered the ego-lust of the people to stand on the victorious side.
The iPhone was launched with the Beautiful People strategy: The kind of propaganda that shows their product with famous personalities or attractive happy people. This suggests when people buy this product they will also be happy or successful... for the price of their privacy.
Sculpture Selection1993-2005
VanillaHammered copper sheet - 216 cm x 45 cm x 36 cm - Luxemburg 1993 | Vindicta ViragoHammered copper sheet - 205cm x 51 cm x 38 cm - Luxemburg 1993 | Faked VictoryHammered copper sheet - 205 cm x 77 cm x 47 cm - Luxemburg 1993 |
SC2 | SC3 | SC1 |
SC4 | Trinity | Trinity-Rosted |
SC5 | Breathe | Breathe |
Boar | Last Unicorn |